Transferring control from the team to the person.
becoming who you are
One of the first steps in self-advocacy is becoming comfortable in your own skin. This means running multiple exposures to multiple people and environments to truly give a person choice. In the process of these preference assessments, you canstart to see a personality develop along with a confidence that cannot be directly taught. This is particularly important when helping people with avoidance-based behavior.
acceptance for everyone
Everyone has a place and it is a good one. In the past, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been segregated from society and their community. It is our goal to stop this thought process and give our individuals exposure to people and things that are pleasant and accepting in order to create trust on behalf of the community and the individual.
commonality allows us to see each other
Once individuals feel comfortable in the community, they are able to develop natural and organic relationships with other community members that are based on common interest, rather than pity. This fosters genuine community that is so integral to the therapeutic design. These relationships become the natural supports for the person that will eventually propel them into the next phase of their own independence.