parent education and training program (ethos)

Our parent education and training program, better known as Ethos, is meant to bring evidence-based parent education and training to the Missouri Children’s Division clients. Ethos brings a consistent standard of quality services with the intent resulting in positive outcomes for children and families using principals of Applied Behavioral Analysis and the 11 Categories of Independence. It is desired that the parent/guardian will be able to demonstrate one or more new skills taught by the Morning Star staff in their instructional program. This service is provided in a clinic-based group setting, with several opportunities to implement skills with the parent/guardian in the home setting with Morning Star staff and child(ren) present, when possible.
family-centered services: family meeting
Family-Centered Services Family Meeting is to provide assistance to learn the skills needed for the parent/guardian to advocate for family independence and sustainability in a family meeting environment. Meetings include but not limited to: family support team meetings, family staffing, family conference, and team decision meetings.
family-centered services: case consultation
Family-Centered Services Case Consultation is to provide consultation services to Children’s Division families regarding general family practice and individual sessions provided in the natural home setting. This service goes hand in hand with the Parent Education and Training Program and will occur simultaneously.
If you have any questions or would like more information on Ethos, please contact us!